Eric was interviewed by People and featured as the Daily Focus and People Thursday Hero of the Week today on Along with the interview, People also published an article covering Emily and Eric’s story and The Emily Effect.
Western Heating and Air and The Emily Effect on KSL Studio 5 and KUTV Fresh Living
On September 27th, our friend Angie Snow from Western Heating and Air appeared on KSL’s Studio 5 with their The Emily Effect themed service van, talking about the services their company provides and their partnership with The Emily Effect. The segment can be seen here. On September 29th, Angie was on TV again, this time with […]
Mental Health Awareness Fun Run and Walk
Join us on Saturday, September 17th at the Fountain Green City Park located at 300 West Center, Fountain Green, UT 84632. Registration starts at 7:00 a.m. and the run starts at 7:30 a.m. You may pre-register by text at 435-851-9446 or email The cost is $10 and includes breakfast. There will be breakfast, silent […]
Salem Days Booth and Parade
We’ll be involved in two events for Salem Days this weekend: Salem Days Fair in the Square Booth The Emily Effect will have a booth selling our t-shirts and hats at the Salem Days Fair in the Square on Friday, August 12th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm and Saturday, August 13th from 11:00 am to […]
Donations Are Now Being Accepted
Many people and businesses have inquired about donating to the Emily Effect so we now have a convenient place on our website to do so. However, please understand The Emily Effect has applied for tax exempt status under IRS code section 501(c)(3), but has yet to receive a determination letter. While we are confident the […]
Dancing Without You Documentary Now on YouTube
The Dancing Without You documentary is now available on The Emily Effect YouTube channel. About the documentary: A BYU School of Communications documentary in loving memory of Emily Cook Dyches, highlighting the unspoken effects of postpartum depression in Utah. Produced by Aley Davis and Gabriel Gledhill. A note of caution: as you can imagine, this topic […]
Dancing Without You Documentary Screening
BYU students Aley Davis and Gabriel Gledhill have created a documentary entitled Dancing Without You – The Unspoken Effects of Postpartum Depression in Utah. We’ll be attending a free screening of this senior capstone project on June 7 at 7 pm at the Varsity Theater (inside the Wilkinson Center on BYU campus).
The Emily Effect on KSL Studio 5
Emily’s story was discussed on KSL Studio 5, featuring work done by Sam Penrod and and an interivew with Dr. Liz Hale.
Eric on KSL TV and Radio on Sunday, May 22
KSL 5 TV at 9 am on May 22 Eric Dyches, founder of The Emily Effect and Amy-Rose White, director of the Utah Maternal Mental Health Colloborative discuss perinatal mood disorders with Dave McCann Sunday morning at 9 am on KSL 5 TV. KSL News Radio’s The Mom Show at 12 pm on May 22 […]
The Emily Effect: A Mother’s Legacy on KSL TV
Many thanks to the always professional Sam Penrod and all of his colleagues behind the scenes who so painstakingly put this story together for us. Candice Madsen, thank you for working so hard to get it right. Your attention to detail is very much appreciated. I couldn’t be more happy for the meaningful and lasting […]
Preview of The Emily Effect: A Mother’s Legacy on KSL TV
This Thursday night, May 19th at 10 pm, Emily’s story will be aired on Utah’s KSL 5 TV. We are excited to finally have the full story heard and start the real conversation related to improving maternal mental health resources in Utah. Please tune in. Here’s a preview:
Climb Out of the Darkness 2016 Hike
We are teaming up with Postpartum Progress for their annual Climb Out of the Darkness hike on June 18, 2016. We invite all who would like to participate to register and meet us at the Spanish Fork Reservoir Pavilion between 7:30-10:00 a.m. Please wear good hiking shoes and bring a water bottle for the two mile hike. […]