After my child was born when I was 20, I had severe postpartum depression. I felt like I should have loved my baby more, and I didn’t feel like the mom I wanted to be. Additionally, I lost my
job that I had worked so hard to get when I ran out of maternity leave. Things just kept getting worse–I needed surgery, we were drowning in debt, and my car was on the verge of being
repossessed. I was evicted from my home, I went through a divorce, and I lost custody of my child.
Eventually, things did get better. A family member helped me find a place to live, I was able to get my job back, I have custody of my child again, and I am getting counseling.
Today I am the mom I always wanted to be. I learned the value of life, and now I am not afraid to get help or speak up about how I feel. Postpartum depression is something no one speaks
about, but after going through all of this I will speak up and ask those around me how they are really feeling.