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  • tonyabw

    Disclaimer: The following article mentions the topic of suicide or other sensitive subjects, which may trigger negative thoughts and feelings for those currently suffering or still recovering from a mental or mood disorder. Reader discretion is advised. After I had my first two kids, I had postpartum depression for 6 months. I never sought treatment […]

  • Ramonabw

    Beautiful soul reading this, let me say one thing first of all; This will pass. You will not feel like a stranger in your own life forever. You will not feel your hands shake and your mind race by the smallest of upsets for the rest of your life. You will not feel anger at […]

  • Melissabw

    I thought that I had endured what would be worst phase of my life watching my Dad suffer for almost 3 years from Lou Gehrig’s. I had many ups and downs watching him struggle and the heartache I felt after losing him, I thought it was the worst I would ever feel. Fast forward to […]

  • Ashlee Henriebw

    It has been nearly seven years since I have delivered a baby. I still remember the love and joy each one of my four children brought the day they were born. I never could have imagined the intense love I would have for each of my children. But along with that love came a deep […]