The Emily Effect
You know that feeling…the one you get when that uniquely influential person in your life—whether it be a friend, coach, mentor, family member, or sweetheart—inspires you to do and become more. It’s that difficult-to-describe influence which settles in your mind and heart, and becomes a motivating force to lead you to a higher plane. It’s the often unspoken, impassioned plea they offer you which shapes the person you are now becoming. That is the effect Emily had on me. Everything about her sparked the good in me. She had a way of inspiring me to see the potential in myself. She had “that look” which would boost me when I was down and glum and give me a shot of confidence when I needed it most. She had the words to say at just the right moment to move me past a negative scenario and quickly onto the “silver lining”. It was that look of, “I will never give up on you!”. She stood by me when I wasn’t at my best. She loved me through the difficult moments of our life and made certain I knew of her unequivocal love. She carried the biggest megaphone and wasn’t afraid to use it when I achieved successes in my life. She encouraged me to committedly fulfill all of the important responsibilities for which I had been given. She gently nudged me when I needed, but never forced or compelled me to act. She celebrated the simple and avoided the unimportant. Whatever “it” is—she had…and she graciously shared it with me. And that, my friends, is the galvanizing effect Emily Cook Dyches had on me and most everyone else she encountered.
Our Foundation
Emily was diagnosed and treated for postpartum depression and anxiety. She was treated for the illness for several months. During the process we found pockets of very good help, but as a whole the journey was frustrating and the resources seemed disjointed. In short, there were many times I felt like we had exhausted every one of our options and I simply didn’t have anywhere else to turn. Thus, we have created this foundation and website to raise awareness and coordinate local resources for maternal mental health.
-Eric Dyches
Be the Means to Effect Meaningful Change